Wellness TechGroup (WTG) is a technology-based SME from Spain, funded in 2008.
WTG designs and builds technology to add intelligence to infrastructures, creating more efficient, liveable and intelligent cities. WTG has a broad experience in manufacturing smart solutions, products and services, making use of information and communication technologies such as wireless sensors networks, secure telecommunications, software development, SaaS provision and web/mobile technologies application.
WTG’s main focus areas are intelligent lighting, building electricity and gas energy optimisation and monitoring, waste management, drinking water quality and leak management, intelligent management for urban parking, open government and citizen participation, health and quality life, cybersecurity, and smart platforms for data management.
One of WTG's competitive advantages is its willingness and flexibility to adapt to specific customer needs, combining business vision with advanced research and technology capacity, in areas such as communications and monitoring hardware platforms, sensing devices, massive data management architecture, vertical applications (specific business process software), data security at various software and hardware level, third party platform and solution integration and customisation of hardware and software to customer needs.
Innovation is the key driver of Wellness Telecom; since its beginnings, the company has continuously invested in a dedicated team that are continuously designing and producing new added value services and business models based on the potential and vision of emerging technologies. WTG believes in a user-centred design approach as a basic methodology for its success.
WTG is a trusted partner of over 100 private companies and 400 cities worldwide. The company currently has offices in Spain (Seville, Malaga and Madrid), Germany, Australia, Sweden, Mexico and the United States.
Wellness TechGroup will be involved in WP7, Assessing the impact of visionary and integrated solutions on IHW.