City of Lucca
Human-animal bonds hub
A small city in Tuscany, central Italy, Lucca has a population of about 88,000 inhabitants. It is a relatively wealthy city where tourism and creativity are cornerstones of the local economy, with festivals such as Lucca Comics & Games and Lucca Summer Festival. The city in turn presents important ageing problems.
AREA OF FOCUS: Whole city
What is the project looking for?
Creating the first Human-animal (Hum-an) smart city in Europe. Animal Lines (animal paths such as cycle paths) accessible to all will be built in order to reconnect the historic centre, the ancient walls and the surrounding green areas. Public spaces (such as recreational areas for dogs) will also be set up and used to promote activities that bring animals and humans together. Along with infrastructure, the project will implement several activities aimed at improving human wellbeing, such as cultural activities, new enterprises and tourism, all related to the hum-an bond. The whole sect of actions will be accompanied by the creation of policies for a hum-an smart city.